Good Afternoon... This is not something we would generally do, but it is one of our own.
Many of you know Jud Parker.. He has been with us now for almost 10 years.. and has been a friend for almost 20 years. He handles our factory build SLSA program but also does about everything Kitfox!
His has a wonderful family that has been hit with a hard blow.

Their daughter, Jessica, fell ill. Hit with this devasting illness of Acute Myeloid Leukemia 3 mo's ago and her world turned upside down. She has a very rare type of AML and needs immediate treatment.
She has had 3 rounds of Chemotherapy, and now has a promise for a donor for a Bone Marrow transplant, which is her only hope. She will be relocating to Salt Lake city for the Bone Marrow Transplant and Jud will be her 24hr caregiver for 4 months in Salt Lake.

Jessica a 23 yr old single mother with a 3 year old daughter. Jessica was going to school and working when this illness struck.

There is a fundraiser to help offset many of the medical and remote living costs. Every little bit helps. Please visit and help one of our own.