So I moved to an airpark thinking that I would get a lot of help building my series 6. Boy was I wrong. Every Saturday morning several of the old farts (I'm 61 so visualize Their ages} get together at the "FBO" for coffee and one of them almost always asks me when I'm going to get my bird in the air. My response is always "when you get off of your lazy behind and give me a hand". This usually brings a moment of silence from everyone. Then sometimes I will throw out "if anyone would be willing to help I can really use it". More silence. So I go to the TeamKitfox Forums.

This time I need to know how tall and wide to make my fire wall. What is the dimension of the height and where is that measured from?
Once I have it cut I will take it to a sheet metal shop in town to have the 90 degree bend and shrink put on the top edge for the cowl.

I've had too many life threatening close calls recently, crashed an ultralight, fell off of a loading dock and landed flat on my back, lights out for a while, had the front wheel lock up on my motorcycle at 70 mph on the freeway, (thank you to the two guys that stopped their cars sideways in the two lanes that I was taking up so I didn't get squished by the 18 wheelers)...... yes there is more but listing it here would sound like bragging.

And even if I don't get to fly it I want to have it ready for my daughter to have a completed plane she can call her own.
I've had my kit for 14 years and it's time to get it in the air.

I do appreciate the members here that willingly and without expectations of compensation offer advice and knowledge to anyone that asks.

Thank you all.
