My 912 80 horse is running well with the new mount installed. but … there is glycol leaking from somewhere. The accumulations are 4 or five drips hanging on the muffler box and the highest point with any evidence is on the rubberized pad between the top of the engine and the reservoir itself. That pad is supposed to stop abrasion that could cause a reservoir rupture but I'm thinking I may have one anyway. the reservoir was down about halfway tonight and its been doing that about every 4 hours of operation. I hate the thought of redoing all the water lines but I see a few wet areas around one or more clamps. I" used "Clamp it" type clamps and can't adjust them. I will have to cut them and reinstall new clamps. Anyway, is there a simple test for the reservoir to show a rupture or do I have to disassemble this little fella?