I've been investigating putting on a Jabiru 2200 on my Kitfox IV project.
But because this is my first plane, and due to the fact that all 6 Kitfoxes flying in the Nehterlands are Rotax-equipped, I thought it might be wiser to stay with the familiar type and the experience that comes with it.

However, from that investigation time I learned that for any Jab it is very important to find a way to get hot air OUT of the cowling - in stead of getting more cool air IN.
Jabiru airplanes are equipped with a kind of 'lip-edge' at the underside of the air-outlet, to make under-pressure, and suck more air out of the cowling.

Given the massive air-inlet the 'older' (up to IV) Kitfoxes have with the round cowl, inlet should be no problem...