Hi all, I now have a little over 300 hrs flying the Kitfox III with the HKS 700E, in less than 3 yrs. I am very happy with conversion from the Rotax 582, the conversion cost $9000.00 including engine, engine mount added instruments, minor coeling modes. It is now like a free conversion, the 582 overhaul 3 yrs ago would have cost $2500.00 now it would cost $3000.00 and be due now, sold the 582 for $2550 so that leaves $950.00 from the $9000.00 fuel saving for 300 hrs = $1313.oo so I,m $363.00 ahead, not counting spark plugs, 2 stroke oil. There is still 500 hr tp TBO with HKS saying the TBO will be increased another 200 hrs soon for a new TBO of 1000 hrs.
The HKS is a full 60 hp engine and the performance with the HKS has been on par if not a little better than the 852, cruise is better takeoff roll maybe 100 ft more and climb maybe 100 ft less but I doubt it. Ease of start is much better it is a little smoother running, definetly quieter the alternator is better and the ignition and alternator noise is much much less than the 582, and I can go flying in 85*F + temps, the 582 would red line on coolant at or above those temps.