Summer is quickly approaching and so is Airventure 2024.

At this time we are planning on hosting the annual Kitfox Party on Thursday, July 25th, starting approximately at 5 pm at our usual campsite location - see the map below.

Note, I stated we are "planning" on doing this.

This deserves a little explanation. The campground which we stay at is *not* part of the EAA. It is private property and not associated with Airventure. This is a good and bad thing. It's good in that it is a heck of a lot cheaper than EAA's Camp Scholar. The bad is that they are not associated with EAA and they can make up their own rules as they want or possibly not even be open to camping! We are on friendly terms with the family that runs the campground, having camped there for many, many years and can usually get in to stake off our area the weekend before Airventure opens (I personally have camped there since the 1980s). Last year there was a gigantic family squabble resulting in the camp ground not opening until 4 days before Airventure started, where normally they are open at least two weeks ahead of the opener.

I do not know what to expect with the camping situation this year. We are making contingencies to camp in Scholar if we have to, but this would be much, MUCH further away and would greatly impact the logistics for people to attend the party.

Therefore, at this point in time, nothing is certain, but we are still "planning​" on having the party as usual.
