I have 485 hours on a Kitfox s-7 and I have always thought I had low RPM on takeoff.
I have a Powerfin-F prop which is designed for the 912uls.
I have readjusted the pitch numerous times and still end up with a pitch setting that gives about 4700 RPM on lift-off,WOT. Any less pitch will red line at half throttle in cruise. The pitch setting I have set now goes to 5000 about 10 seconds after lift-off depending on my climb rate then up to 5200 in about 15 sec and is good at cruise. Climbing at 5200 or 5400rpm and 600-900fpm is no problem. My WOT is above 5700 RPM in flight so I can't decrease the pitch any more.
Does anybody know if this is normal or could it the Prop or even the Engine.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
