March 1st may have come in like a lion here in Arizona but it brought with the very badly needed rain, a very special delivery from the great State of Kitfox , ah, I mean Idaho.

Like so many of you on these forums, I too have anticipated the arrival of something very special from our friends at Kitfox Aircraft LLC.

Yesterday a trailer arrived with some gorgeous airplane parts in the form of a fuselage kit, several large and a few small boxes and lots of dreams tucked safely inside. What a thrill. Having John and Debra personally deliver the kit and being able to spend a great evening with them and Phil, Phil's family and Col. & Mrs. Col. Prokes was the icing on the cake.

The TeamKitfox members have certainly set the bar high for me with all the beautiful craftsmanship I've seen over the past years. Thanks for the inspiration and I'll make no apologies for stealing some of your great ideas over the next months.
Let the fun begin.

Below you'll see a photo with 3 folks that without their dedication, hard work and love of this wonderful aircraft design, this day would not have been possible.




