Sure I would love to.

you need Build or buy a Mixer And mount it into the plane. Takes a bit of welding If you don't have fabric on it would be simple. Build a new flap handle and weld it in the plane. Every control push rod will need to be custom built. The tricky part is learning where to mount the mixer. With your wing it will need to be two inches farther back than the model 4 to keep the geometry correct with the flaperons . New flaperon horns mounted at different angles, Not the same as model 4 I changed them about 6 times before I found the sweet spot. It made the plane fly so good I love it. Just remember if you journey into this you will be a real test pilot. There is lots more involved but thats a good start for you to think about. 0206201724a_resized.jpgNew Control.jpg0208201252_resized.jpg