So I'm pretty sure I've decided the kitfox is the kit for me and I've been clearing out the garage to start building tables etc for working on. I have a single car, but fairly wide(15 feet) garage, it's not terribly deep though at 20 feet. The s7 specs list the length of the place at 19'8" I assume this is with engine mounted.

Question is. screwed would I be with this limit? I'm sure the engine is one of the last things mounted but how much of that 19'8" is firewall? Can I build everything firewall back without touching forward?

My plan right now is to buy a trailer that would fit the plane when built and use it to store parts that I'm not currently using as a way to gain extra space in the Garage but it would be a pain to have to load and unload each time I wanted to work on the plane if I couldn't close the garage door with the plane inside.

Also...since I'm making a post already. Any suggestions for workspace for a first time builder? I spent my entire HS years working construction and rebuilt/restored a 1959 Galaxie Fairlane, so I'm good with tools and how to, mainly looking for suggestions on how to set up the workplace for what I'll be doing with building this kit.

Thanks for your help and hopefully see you in the air before long!