
Ameri King was gigged for using unapproved parts in their manufactured equipment. The company is out of buisiness last I heard and their stuff is totally orphaned. It is also a bunch of junk that may or may not work. I had an AK encoded which died a young death on me before the UPN (unapproved parts notification) came out so I replaced it with another....and you don't have to guess what happened to that - of course the UPN was out by then.

Check it out for yourself:

AK was first found out on their ELTs (G switches in particular), but the UPN investigation found the encoders and pretty much anything they made was not complying with their approvals.

Personally if I had an AK encoder - I'd put it out on the 200 yard rifle range and test out my marksmanship skills.

Trust my hide to that junk? way