Ah! shut down and startup. I go with a throttle that idles at about 500. WHAT you say. yup. I don't idle it there, I just have it that way so it shuts down nice. PUll the throttle all the way back as you hit the switches, no bang no nothing. On statup I either have the throttle all the way back, if it kicks it needs full back, compression thing. If it's hot, I use half throttle and hit the starter. As it hits I pull slowely the throttle back until a nice idle.

I love the real slow idle, helps on landing, no float. On my 912uls I have a compression thing, my lyc. does it also(will lock when starting). With the throttle all the way back and hit the starter it starts right up, as it does I add throttle until it's running right where I want it. I didn't have the return lines on my 912ul and I don't have them on my 912uls.