Oops, just saw this post now and felt bad that no one had responded. So here goes:

Over the years we have found that Full Lotus floats in their non-amphib version are not any draggier than other floats on airframes like the Kitfox. That obviously changes if putting wheels on them as unlike other amphib floats, all of the gear mechanism and wheels hangs out in the breeze on the FL, causing mega drag.

So cutting to the chase, I would expect a Super Sport with a 912s Rotax and a Warp drive 3 blade prop to cruise right around 90 to 95 mph if on straight Full Lotus (at 5200-5300 rpm). I would expect the same speeds if going to another straight float, or even if it were an amphib float, with the exception of the FL amphib. I'd guess the wheels hanging out on the FL to be probably another 5 to 8 mph slower.

I based my opinion here on a variety of friends and airplane and engine and float combinations that I've helped with getting their Kitfoxes on floats, as well as my own experience with my 912ul Model 4 on amphib Aerocets.

Hopefully this may help to answer your question.

Paul Seehafer
Central Wisconsin