Quote Originally Posted by SilverFox5 View Post
Hi mtcicon

I have looked at the Corvair and your project with great interest. I have a question. At the beginning of this thread back in 2016 you had stated a cost of $13K to $14K for this engine option...Thanks,
Hi joe. i can say how it went for me. First I found a donor engine for about 350.00. It would have to be disassembled and cleaned and the useable parts sent off for inspection and machine work. I was opting for the larger engine so mine would have to have case work done. Also headstand crank. Time would have been about 9 months. Before I started taking the engine apart I found an engine on barnstormers that had the work completed ready for assembly for 5,000. So I bought it and all the other parts to finish it. All totaled the cost was around 15k for parts only. After that it takes time to assemble.