Thank you gentlemen. I am the owner of a new power supply with meters for V and A. Pretty nice one too. Spent far more than $30 though.

Anyhow, The electron saga continues over here. Got my harnesses from the supplier, finding little problems here and there, some my own. So, they are all in and hooked up (still appears to be spaghetti though). So I was testing my keyed master switch and nothing. Discovered my EarthX battery is dead. Ordered, received and tried to use the TM471 Optimate charger to recover the battery. No Joy. Spent much time on the phone with Tecmate regarding the charger and EarthX to get their input. As well as John and Debra. Well, not sure if my battery is toast or if its the charger. Or Both. Neither one behave as expected. All three companies have very good customer service I will add. So, I got Amazon to exempt me from the 30 day return policy tonight so that I could return it to the supplier, who was very nice as well and helped me address the problem of returning to Amazon after 45 days. As soon as I accomplished that, I went to check on one last test of the charger. Viola, it did something. Something expected. Looks like I have ruled out the charger so far. But I already arranged the return and got a refund. Although the TM471 is supposed to accomplish a battery maint. system reset I note now that EarthX has either updated their site or I missed the remark about the TM471 timing out and that I should select a more appropriate charger like the TM291. (Doesn't change the fact that the technicians at Optimate were saying they didn't understand what the charger was doing). Sooooo, I am getting the TM291 now. But hey, I can look at a spaghetti mess of wiring without the anxiety now! I am learning that I must have more DPDT switches to operate two fans at once, in one throw, while only one fan on the opposite throw for example. Tonight I get to read up on the user manual for the Vertical Power box so to get it programmed before first panel power up. Hope there is no smoke.