I will be purchasing a new EGT system very soon and am looking for some feeback. Removing an old Westach system that I have lost confidence in. Not sure weather to go analog or digital (pluses and minuses to each I guess).

For analog I am looking at the same system as before (Westach), though am also looking at the Micro 1000. I use the micro 1000 on my sleds and have had very good luck with them, plus they are temperature compensated. I used to use analog Westac on the sleds but had some reliability issues with them (over time) (plus are not temp compensated, at least the ones I was using).

I am also considering digital options like this one. Allows for flexibility in limit selection and alarms. Can also put in both the CHT and EGT on one instrument.


I am limited by space to the 2 1/4" format.

So... if you had to start from scratch, any suggestions? Application is a 582.

Larry S.