To all members:
I would like to take this opportunity to announce that Randy Lervold, creator and founder of, has accepted the position of General Manager with CubCrafters of Yakima,Washington. This is a great opportunity for Randy and I want to be the first to congratulate him on his new position. Randy called me several weeks ago and offered the TeamKitfox Administrator title along with full ownership rights to the forum. I accepted. I'm looking forward to the challenge to grow this resource for Kitfox enthusiasts worldwide and continue the high standards established by its founder.
Randy has created an exciting place for all Kitfox owners and builders to get together and promote our mutual love of this great aircraft. Randy will retain Administrator privileges, to assist with the transition.
As some of you already know , Randy has sold his beloved RV-3 and his Kitfox kit to free up all available time to dedicate to his new duties at CubCrafters and to spend more time with his family. While we will miss him as Administrator and a future flying member of TeamKitfox and the Kitfox Aircraft family, we wish him the very best and hope to see him soon at the many upcoming air shows. He will always be welcome here regardless of which beautiful CubCrafter model he happens to be flying.
Many of you know him personally and know of his love for aviation and his passion will serve him admirably in his duties at CubCrafters. I'm sure he will appreciate your best wishes in his new endeavor.
Best of luck Randy and thanks for all your great work here at TeamKitfox.

Steve Kellander