My plane currently has a mix of hose type and sizes. From the right wing shutoff valve to the header tank, it's 1/4 inch aluminum. From the left wing shutoff, it's 5/16 rubber. From the header to the front, it's 1/4 inch aluminum transitioning to 1/4 inch rubber just before main the valve.

My original plan was to leave all the aluminum in and replace just the rubber but I was not able to remove the old AN fittings without twisting the line so I'm thinking of just going all rubber up to the firewall (the line through the firewall to the gascolator is OK).

My first thought is to go all 5/16 including a new shutoff. Is there any point if hard line to the gascolator is 1/4 inch? Should I just go 1/4 inch rubber from the header to the main shutoff?