Paul, Lowell, Dusty and others-
Thanks for all the valuable insight and ideas regarding my float installation/training.
Paul, I just found the diagram that I drew after I had the floats rigged. I checked float top, lower door sill, and wing angles with a digital level. My drawing shows the floats at 2° up, the door sill at 6.2° up, and the wing at 8.1° up. Now on the wing, I checked the level figuring the center of the leading edge and the center of the trailing edge (I used a block at the rear to achieve a straight line reference through the "center" of the wing). So from what I'm seeing, I have 4.2° of incidence, right? of float to datum of aircraft. Then perhaps 1.9° more throat angle, for a total of 6.1°? I'm heading for the hangar right now to recheck the datum-to-wing angle. I will get reading this time using just the bottom of the wing and forget the "theoretical center of the wing" for now. I can't check the float-to-fuse angle as the floats are off. I'll try opening up the throat angle when I install the floats after repairs are made, but it seems as though as slow as it flies (with floats on), I gotta have more than enough incidence, eh?
