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Thread: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Livingston NJ

    Default plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    I noticed that when I was flying my model 4 speedster the plane wanted to dip down to the right when at cruise. So when I folded the wings back I noticed that the right wing is lower than the left by almost a inch. But it was level all the way back to the mounting bolt. I don't see how to bring the wing up to that they are same height. Everything appears normal when they are open just when their closed do I see the different. they are straight but one wing is lower that the other. What can I do?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    Can you elaborate more on what you are seeing on the ground? I don't
    understand your description exactly.


  3. #3
    Senior Member HighWing's Avatar
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    This came up in the old days when the manual said to rig the wings then fold and then level them in the folded position. The question was posed by builders as to why you would modify the rigging to be pretty in the folded position if it meant altering the inflight alignment. The factory then recommended leaving it alone as long as the wing still cleared the horizontal when folded. Neither of my two Model IVs wings matched up folded.
    Last edited by HighWing; 09-29-2014 at 02:30 PM.
    Lowell Fitt
    Goodyear, AZ

    My You Tube Channel

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Livingston NJ

    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    when the plane is folded back one wing is about one inch lower than the other. From the front to the back. It looks level but it's lower than the other is this normal?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Esser's Avatar
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    Hi Allan,

    There is a thread on this somewhere here but short answer is yes it is normal. Your wing dipping in flight is more likely a rigging issue. Grab your manual and double check your rigging.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    I would get a 4' long level and check the washout in the two wings. Might find a difference one side to the other. Jim Chuk

  7. #7
    Senior Member jiott's Avatar
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    Almost all Kitfoxes (model 7's) tend to have a slightly "heavy" left wing if rigged perfectly per the manual. You have to fly it to determine this, and then tweak the rigging to increase the lift on the left wing. This puts the rigging out of perfect symetrical alignment, but is necessary to give level hands off flight; its probably due to inherent left turning tendencies from engine torque, P factor, etc.

    The build manual could probably save most of us some time by saying that after the rigging has been set up by the book, then turn the left wing lift strut forward rod end OUT one turn and the aft rod end IN one turn.
    Jim Ott
    Portland, OR
    Kitfox SS7 flying
    Rotax 912ULS

  8. #8
    Senior Member Dave S's Avatar
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    HI Allan,

    What you describe certainly sounds like wing rigging issue(s).....and, I think the responses you have received are indicative of similar observations others have you are not alone out there......I think Highwing's comment is right on with regard to the old instructions.....Since we generally don't fly with the wings folded, it makes more sense to rig for flying than for parking.

    One strategy that really works in resolving issues like this is to start with the book values from your manual for dihedral and washout - be sure the rigging (dihedral & washout) is set to book specifications first...;and, then make minor final adjustments based on flight characteristics......if everything set to spec first, it will take very little adjustment of the correct lift strut rod end(s) to bring the plane to hands off level.

    Like so many others, our S7 had a left roll tendency hands off in initial testing......a little tweaking of the correct lift strut rod ends to increase the washout on the left side and reduce the washout on the right side in small increments (like half a turn at a time) and some test flying and all is well. With a right roll tendency, provided all other rigging is correct, a person would be adjusting to increase the washout on the right side while reducing the washout on the left side.

    Fly well,

    Dave S
    KF7 Trigear
    912ULS Warp Drive
    St Paul, MN

  9. #9
    WISDAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    After all rigging is checked and correct, take a careful look at the Flaperon trailing edges to make sure they are not bent down or up from the Flaperon cord line. I had to tweak mine with the help of Jim S from this group when the same condition happened on my airplane.
    Dan G.
    Model IV 1200 - Tri-gear
    Jabiru 2200

  10. #10
    Senior Member jiott's Avatar
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    Default Re: plane dips to the right if i let go of the stick

    Dave I believe you have that backwards; for right roll tendency you want to increase the lift on the right wing (or decrease the left). You want to decrease the washout on the right wing. Washout raises the trailing edge which decreases the AOA which decreases lift.
    Jim Ott
    Portland, OR
    Kitfox SS7 flying
    Rotax 912ULS

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