From an engineering standpoint the boot cowl in general is a terrible place to locate static ports. You might be able to find a specific location there on your bird that is acceptable, but being close to the propeller & in it's slipstream is bad. Because of the swirling or rotating/disturbed air, the boundary layer can be compromised. If air is impinging on the port, pressurization or de-pressurization can occur. What you want is static ambient pressure - no suckin' or blowin'. It's the same issue in the cockpit... air rushing past openings on the fuselage can cause increased or decreased cabin pressure. I know that location works fine for some, but it can be a crap-shoot. If you're going to put it on the fuselage, the rear sides are usually the best, as proven by multiple factory built designs for many decades. One on both sides, teed together will help eliminate the issue of inaccurate pressure due to slips.
So, engineering aside, whatever works for you on your particular airplane is all that matters, I guess, so... never mind.