I'm used to flying a fuel injected engine with separate throttle and propeller(variable pitch) controls. soon I will be ordering a Dynon Flight Dek D180 to go with my SS7 and 912uls and Whirlwind fixed pitched propeller) and the order form asks if I want a Manifold Pressure Sensor (which they say is usually included in the rotax engine sensor package). I don't think there is any value to monitoring the MP with my set up. Am I missing something? I also find it a bit unusual that the Dynon d180 Sensor "package" includes only two EGT sensors and uses only the two CHT sensors that come with the 912. Also the package includes a carburated fuel pressure sensor. I'm inclined to add 2 chts and 2egts and I don't know if the fuel pressure sensor is a good idea. I will appreciate any thoughts or comments with someone who is more familiar with these things.