I have heard that lexan now makes an "X-10" product that is supposed to be scratch resistant even more so the the original lexan ..you can also get it smoked or tinited,..if you have a current lexan wind shield ..you can take it off your craft,..lay it on top of a blank sheet of lexan .. take some fast drying paint and spray the edges of your old shield to put it's silohuette onto the protective cover of the new lexan .. ..give yourself at least a plus1/16h of an inch over all on your cut when you cut the new one ..after you funish the cut take some 180 grit sand paper and sand the complete edges of the new windhshield..then re-do this with some 1500 grit,..what this does is it reduces any chance of the windshield cracking again,..just like if you see a crack starting ..take a small drill bit and drill the end of the crack ..it should not travel any further then the point drilled,..and put clear epoxy into the drill hole after just to make it water tight,..

Do not drill the holes for re install until you fit the new windshield,..trust me ..it will not fit proper,..when you re-install,..if you had removed your uuper rear cowl panel,..replace it before re install..place your new windshield between your upper rear cowl and your instrument panel upper dash,..take a towel..and roll it length ways and push it from the inside toward the upper rear cowl against the new windshield,..this will insure a tight fit to keep the weather out,.. use some squeeze clamps to hold your windshield in place to prefit,..once your sure it fits well,.start at your wing root on each side and stagger your re connect from side to side ..drill one side ..rivet it ..drill the other side ..rivet it ..until your front is completed..then re check your fit over the top of the fuselage,..do the same with the staggering your drilling from side to side from front to rear,..because the wing root area of the winshield is the least flexible once it's in place..this is the best place to start your re install,..once your done ..remove the protective film from the lexan ..job is done ..go flying
If you want to get fancy..after you have transfered the sillohuette of your old wind shield to your new ..on the inside ..scribe a line 1 inch from the edge all the way around the windshield ..remove the protective film on that one inch area leaving the rest until completion..prep the lexan for paint..paint it the color of your choice..,..all of this is of course after sanding the edges,..once it's dry ..do the install..now you have a border on the winshiled to cover any wires or what ever you had running along the fuselage tubes that were visible before,..