I know it is NOT rated for aerobatics, but I'm curious how many people
have actually spun their kitfoxes and what were the results of spinning
it? Please don't reply with the why you shouldn't spin it. I've been flying
mine for a long time and have almost spun it a few times from botched
stalls, etc. So it's always a possibility.

I'd like to know what the spin characteristics of the plane really are. What
effect do the flaperons, etc, have on the spin? How fast does it spin? Does it
spin the same to the right as to the left? I know it goes towards earth like
the SR-71 when pointed nose down so clearly speed build up is an issue.

I think it would be good to get this information out, because I know the plane
can spin, and that people do in fact spin them BUT the information is a bit
thin if you know what I mean.


N85AE Series 5, IO-240B