I am having trouble visualizing the butt rib location... specifically, how it is positioned relative to the spar attach bolt and forward spar clevis pin. A "rough fit" of parts (rib 1 and butt rib) makes it look like the butt rib covers the rear spar bolt and if so, how is the bolt removed? Also, if the butt rib extends beyond (rearward) the bolt, won't the butt rib and rib 1 bind up when the wing is moved or folded? Next question: The front end of the butt rib looks like it will be outboard of the clevis and very close to it. Does this sound correct? If the butt rib attaches to the fuselage and the windshield is attached to the butt rib...how can the clevis pin be removed to fold the wing? Does anyone have a picture of these areas or know where I could look to see if I can attach rib #1 without making a mistake. I am probably a year away from attaching the windshield and the wing root fairing and maybe that is where I will get some of the answers, I am just afraid of making a big mistake now. Thanks for your help.