Since finishing my plane it has flown well and the engine has run flawlessly however there was often an indicator or two that were near the edge of the range and somtimes over. Oil temps would somtimes be high and erratic, oil pressure could drift to the low end of the range and even the battery voltage might hover around 12V. Though I could find nothing wrong these things would gnaw at the back of my mind and take some of the joy out of flying. I recently found that the case of my Dynon was not grounded effectively and added a 14 gauge ground line. So today I took the plane out for a few hours, full tilt, slow cruise, aggressive extended climbs and some basic horsing around and everything was rock solid. Oil temps stayed below 200 and moved only with throttle not even changing by one degree in steady state (something I have not seen before), batt voltage at a constant 13.3. All of this had me putting the plane away today not wondering if I was missing something and my full confidence has been restored.
Sorry for the long post but I am in a good mood and wanted to share.