Sorry to bump this 13 year old thread but thought I would post because its still an issue. I have a Series 6 and had this intermittent trim problem at around 90 hours flight time. This thread mentions two causes of the intermittent trim problem: 1) gunk in trim motor's commutator and brushes and 2) arcing in the switch.

First a warning. Although others seem to have successfully taken the trim motor apart, cleaned it, and put it back together, it's not for the faint of heart. As careful as I was during disassembly, four washers fell out leaving me scratching my head as to the proper order and I didn't want to guess. Other problem is that getting the brushes back properly is very difficult. My suggestion is to do what I did and just order another trim motor assembly from John McBean.

In my case, the problem turned out to be arcing in the switch (see photos). I was initially fooled into thinking the switch was fine because when I removed the connector to the trim motor and measured the voltages there I got +12V with down trim activated and -12V with up trim activated. The issue though was that because of the worn contacts, the resistance was too high. Replaced the switch, and all worked fine.

Since this problem has not been reported since 2008, my guess is that only the Skystar kits that had the old arc-prone trim switch. The new rocker switch from John McBean is different.

Attached are photos of the affected Skystar switch, the messed up contacts, the delicate brush assembly of the trim motor, and the washer assortment that fell out when I opened the motor up