Ok first off I just wanted to say you have a great forum here and I really enjoy reading all the information on this site. To say I am jealous of most of you would be a huge understatement. I am just a lurker here but was wondering if anyone here could give me an opinion about flight training and more specifically LSA training.

I will be 44 next month and like most of you, I am sure, grew up loving anything about airplanes. I have solo’d a Rans 12 and a 150 but I never completed my license. It was also 14 or 15 years ago the last time I flew anything. Well life kind of got in the way and I had pretty much given up on ever getting my license. I really could not justify the expense for the limited amount of flying I would ever be able to do.

Well now the sport pilot thing has come about it seem like it may be perfect for me and the Kitfox seems like it could be perfect too except I have no idea about flying a tail dragger or even if I could.

Here is my main question. I have talked to three instructors so far, two in person and one on the phone. The two in person both fly low wing modern LSA’s and the other instructor flies a Rans 6 trigear. My question if I intend to buy something like the Kitfox would training in something similar be a major advantage or should I just go with the instructor I feel the most confident in no matter what? I also realize that if I decide to by a conventional Kitfox I would have to get my endorsement at some point too.
I live in the Sacramento area and know just enough to know I don’t know anything. Any suggestions would be great. My plan is to go light sport and maybe at some point get my private just to have it. Thanks for your time and now back to lurking and dreaming.