Hey all,

I currently own a Kitfox 5 running a 912S with a round cowl as pictured below.


I've recently purchased a new EP912STi from Edge Performance and have also ordered a new S7 Oil Cooler, Radiator and 915is engine mount from Kitfox. Essentially consider my engine a 914 running a turbo / intercooler for the sake of discussion.

I'm curious if anyone has any experience fitting an engine of that type into a round cowl with some modifications? My initial thoughts are the NACA duct on the bottom would be trouble as the angle of the cowl there would not support proper airflow, and it may be tight in spots such as the intercooler on the side of the cowl.

The alternate for me is to make a smooth cowl locally at significant cost, or wait out the lead times and get a smooth cowl from Kitfox which would work out slightly cheaper though delay the project by a significant time.

Really just curious if anyone's pulled off mounting a turbo engine into one of these older round cowls and could provide any advise.
