My wife and I take our Kitfox (in a trailer) across the entire US each year behind our RV (camper van) and have done so for almost twenty years (months at a time).

Anyone interested in lessons learned or a set of eclectic tour photos is invited to join in at the FunFly Zone forums tent. We do not sell anything. This is just an EAA guy who has done it, sharing the FUN.

Thursday July 27, at 11:30 Eclectic photo tour with short intro to technical aspects. (The non-flyer might enjoy this)

Friday July 28 11:30 Cram course on how to do it inexpensively, safely, easily, and avoiding learning the hard way: matching plane-trailer-tow vehicle, selecting trailer - avoiding mistakes - saving $$$, strapping plane to avoid trailering damage, how pretty serious damage to plane occurs while trailering, getting through lots of airport gates post 911 security, towing an over-wide trailer, Registering it, bunches of trailering problems and solutions, China Bombs and damages (good US made tires), in flight safety in high density touring air tour areas (avoiding mid-air collision), touring without spending money for over-night "camping", avoiding the usual causes of bad aviation statistics (injury and fatalities), some of our favorite low and slow scenic destinations. Flying in national parks and other sensitive areas. We usually don't need to pay hanger or tie down fees - how's that work? We have owned a lot of planes. When we stumbled into doing this because Walmart bought out our local airport and I had to find something to fly out of local farm fields I had no idea how much fun this little Kitfox could be - particularly when taking it all over the US with us behind a camper. Holy Cow !!

By the way, I am happy to discuss this stuff by text, email or cell if you have an interest even if the forums do not fit your schedule AND welcome thoughts on what I may have wrong and better ways to do things.

Dr Bob