Well, a lot to learn here so I will be searching the Archives. After flying a Turbo Cirrus for about a decade and a few thousand dollars, I sold it with my company and decided to get back to the basics. Did the sale yesterday in WA but will not pick it up for a couple of weeks. It is currently in a tri-cycle gear configuration (UGH) but converting it back to conventional gear before I pick it up (and adding ADS-B out) before I pick it up. i am curious about a ton of stuff as a new owner, but for now just a question of what fuel those of you flying 958’s are using and why? Seems like with all the issues with ethanol, 100LL may now be the lesser evil?DA7426BD-E732-4DBF-8628-2DA0AB525945.jpgD048A7C5-E1DD-491E-BC2B-BA7854DD0F3C.jpgDA7426BD-E732-4DBF-8628-2DA0AB525945.jpgD048A7C5-E1DD-491E-BC2B-BA7854DD0F3C.jpg