So to continue with some of the items slowing my fist flight - I can't hold back my full runup. I've got stock cleveland breaks which came with the kit originally 20 years ago. Single piston, single calipers. Problem is I have 26" tires. After doing the break in procedures about 5 times now the most I can get them to hold is about 4000 rpms (912is) - and that's with A LOT of force. I just can't see any way to improve this without an upgrade.

Is this what others have experienced? It's hard to find much info. I have seen those with single calipers and big tires - but no info on if they are poor, good or great - or even if they are single or double piston. Obviously going up to dual calipers is a sure thing ( I think? ). Realistically, what's the minimum I could do here without replacing masters and lines? Or are they possibly part of my problems being 20 years old and being used for the first time?

I'm starting to feel pretty defeated at this point.