Good news! The ruler said that the spar had not flexed but being a firm believer in "Trust but verify", the wife and I went out and hung the left wing. Fit just like it was supposed to. But now as I start on fitting the 1 rib stack to the right wing, I am making the plans in my head that will allow me to final assemble that one while hung. Not sure why your brother's spars flexed and yours (and thankfully mine) didn't but I sure as heck am not going to take this opportunity to Hysol the assembly up with the wing not hung and find out.

Dustin I really appreciate you jumping in like you did. Even if it could have been bad news. If you see me doing something wrong or have a better idea of how to do it (cause you did do a kind of OK job on your plane. Just kinda though (joking for certain!!)) please feel free to jump in.
