Holy crap, Batman....I just put the digital level on the door sill and the bottom of the wing...the door sill read 11.8°, and the wing bottom (straightedge along the bottom surface of the wing) read 10.5!! I also re-measured the chord line angle (using the point on the leading edge that gives the chord its' maximum length) and this reading was 12.8°. Now I'm confused....if the bottom of the wing is compared to the door sill, the incidence is negative 1.3°, but if the chord line is compared to the door sill, the incidence is 1° positive. And from my previous post, I said that the float-top to door sill angle was 4.2°, and with hardly ANY "built-in" incidence, it doesn't sound like I have nearly enough throat angle....no wonder this thing won't get off the water!

Incidentally, I took a flight while I was at the hangar and it took 5 seconds to get airborn...not a worlds' record by any stretch, but seems like I have enough power to get the bird up without floats.
