I can relate to this conversation because I have been very frustrated in trying to get proper camlock lengths so that all the heads end up reasonably flush when they are locked. It seems almost every camlock (I am exagerating somewhat) needs to be a slightly different length to look nice. Its because the thickness of the fiberglass cowl pieces vary somewhat along any given joint. I have had to buy new camlocks to replace at least half the ones that came with the kit, and I am not quite done yet. I have had some luck sanding down areas that are too thick to get a better fitup. Cam locks will hold fine even if they are too long, but it looks kind of ugly with the heads sticking out. The other thing that makes getting the length right is allowing for the thickness of the retaining washer-you can't try it out before installing it permanently! They are almost impossible to remove if you get it wrong.

Its a minor issue in the overall scheme of things, so I am not really complaining. I just wish those little buggers weren't so expensive.
