Don't mean to be rude James but get some spin training. I can't recommend it enough. It still blows my mind that this isn't a basic requirement to get a pilot license in the US of A. I don't even consider myself checked out in an airplane unless I spin it and get a feel for how it feels behind the power curve. Of course some planes you can't safely do this. For sure this one thing won't save you completely but it's a good start. For example, after I spun an SZD-55 glider, I had a tonne of respect for getting it low and slow cause it will drop 800' in a blink of an eye. And after that. I never ever put it close to a wing drop situation because I knew the outcome.

I also think that most plans max accidents are low and slow. Kitfox has zero documented inflight structural failures. The rest comes down to pilot error or power issues.

If everyone wanted a plane that flew like a 170, we would all own 170s.