I couldn't agree more that we have to embrace the younger generations, and I'm fully appreciative of what Greg is proposing - Facebook is a wonderful tool for all kinds of things. Sure, it's chock full of narcissists and every imaginable time-waster devised by man, but it's also a great tool for keeping in touch with friends & family, advertising your business, and a million other useful & interesting things. My comments were made mostly to clarify my own thoughts and feelings about not personally needing another distraction from actually building and doing things with my hands. I do appreciate this site... it really has it all for me - the technical conversations, sharing pictures, social interaction, and a little bit of love for God and country thrown in. I like that. We all have to make decisions about how we can best spend the short amount of time we have on this planet, and so I've chosen to steer clear of Facebook at this time in my life. I'm a slow learner, so I could be a huge fan in a few years - but not now. There's too much to do.