1. What are some unforeseen issues, costs, and or problems have you encountered with your airplane build?
[I didn’t expect my airport bum friends wanting to work on it with me. It’s fun for everyone.]

2. Did you exceed your initial budget, or remain relatively close?
[I’m way under budget. Instead of a gee whiz glass panel, I elected to go with steam gauges and most of them were donated by airplane owners who upgraded to something else. Even the radio and transponder were free. But then again… I’m a scrounger and not afraid to ask.]

3. What would you do different if you had to do it over again?
[I covered the stab and elevator first, followed by the wings. Then panic set in not knowing if I would have enough fabric to do the fuselage. It turns out there was plenty. If I did it over I would start with the fuselage, then do the wings, then the stab and elevator with the left over pieces for the best use of fabric.]

4. During the interim period before purchase, or while waiting for order to be built; what are some beneficial actions.. Sourcing parts, skills ect..?
[If you haven’t done covering before, take a course… Sportair workshop or Oshkosh Airventure forum (free) as a minimum.] Worth every dime.

5. How much money on hand should one really have to get started?
[All of it… two reasons. First: so you don’t have to explain to the spousal unit why the checking account got raided for something called Poly Brush and Poly Spray. Second: so you know you have funds to complete the project before you start. I opened a special checking account, PayPal and Mastercard just for the airplane. That way I know where every dollar went.]

6. How much space do you really need to build your airplane?
[A two car garage, minimum. Some have done it with less but they suck in their gut a lot squeezing around the airframe. It’s not too bad until you build wings. Then space becomes a premium. Once you start to cover, the aircraft seems to double in size.]

7. Any disappointments?
