Hi Guys!

Thought I would post a few updates. Wings are about ready to cover. We want to paint the 1# rib and spars on the inboard section before covering. We are having some paint mixed up to try and match the silver oratex, then we are all ready. I think the plan is to cover the wings first so we make sure to have enough to do both planes. (unless someone suggest otherwise) I got the right wing tip cut trimmed and blended. Waiting on kitfox (hopefully soon) to send us new fences, that is why I am missing mine fences. Flaperons where mounted and a little tricky to get installed without binding. Deviated slightly from the instructions but overall we where able to get them installed and moving easily without binding and not flexing the wing. Biggest note is don't have a wing support on the end of the wing as this flexes the wing when installing flapperons. Move support to wing strut attach point.

Wiring in complete in both wings. Took a lot of time to route and secure wiring. Used rescue tape, and nylon lacing to secure so they don't chaff.

My brothers STI is about the same spot. Hoping to have both planes covered by next month. Edge performance turbo912 engines are hopefully showing up first of the year.

Also thinking about Nikk and his accident. Heart goes out to him and his family. Glad he is still with us and sounds like he is fighter. I was able to look over Nikks plane when he flew it out about a month ago and looked over how he built it. Let me say I can see why Trent and Kitfox had him wiring up Trents plane. Hang in there Nikk and praying for you and a full recovery!