Just got home from flying this morning . No sooner than I departed my country airstrip and was climbing out I got a traffic advisory loud and clear at 12 oclock and 1 mile ahead . Before the bluetooth receiver these aural warning would go unheard and i would have had to seen the traffic on the tablet. I don't fly staring at the tablet so the aural advisories and alerts are a huge bonus to making the operation safer. For 20 bucks a pretty sweet upgrade. Forgot to mention in my initial post that all you really need is the ability to plug the jumbl in to your headset thru a 1/8" plug and you are good to go , for instance if you don't have a music input to an intercom like i do . I had an old cheapo corded music headset at home that I plugged into the bluetooth receiver and it worked fine at bluetoothing to devices. Bruce N199CL