I was working on my doors for my 2008 SS Kit today and noted that my door latches don't look like anything in my 2008 manual or the current manual.

During my research, I noted two things, one is that the new build manual uses screws instead of rivets, but too late for that, I have already drilled the first door, so on to rivets for me....all 56 per door.

The latches that I have appear to be the Murle Williams latches, but can't seem to find any good pictures of them mounted or instructions of how they are supposed to be mounted.

If I don't get any answers here, I guess that I can try and give Murle a call next week, but am hoping someone here can assist.

It is probably simple, but I am just not seeing it and there doesn't seem to be any good way to mount it with the limited door gap around the frame.