Quote Originally Posted by Av8r_Sed View Post
Your Rotax sender sounds suspiciously like it's sensing atmospheric pressure rather than "gauge". Not a problem if the electronics adjusts for it.
I am really starting to feel it is nothing so complicated. I flew for almost 2 hours on Friday with no issues. But I was very closely watching any throttle movements. I worked the throttle full stop multiple times prior to engine start and all throttle movements during flight were much slower than normal.

Considering how quickly the events would happen and then settle down I really think it is the throttle cable bunching up slightly and then snapping to full throttle quickly as the bunch straightens out. I did see this happen once with the cowl off while working the throttle. This would explain the sudden rpm change and the increase in fuel pressure as the engine suddenly asked for a lot more fuel. And it would explain the warnings to the system and things settling down quickly after the event. And it would explain why the rpms would go up without a throttle movement in the cockpit.

I will keep working it with this in mind and post here with findings.