I have no plane in the Portland, OR area! The weather was so bad I had to drive from central WA where I live. (A six hour drive through the Columbia River Gorge in a blizzard vs. a 1 1/2 hour flight.) My plane is fine, albeit still waiting on back ordered replacement carb floats. I always look forward to flying with Scott because his plane is identical to mine. Seems like we're ALL trying to control vibration, the ROTAX achilles heel. I've got (915) hours on the plane and have never had vibration that wasn't corrected by carb syncing or prop balance. Sounds like the 1000 hour gearbox maintenance is not something to ignore. Dogs, washers, shims are all normal wear items that if left unaddressed will only get worse over time. In my experience, the engine runs very smooth all the time except between about 3,000 - 4,000 RPM. So I just avoid/minimize operating in that range. I'm gonna do a slipper clutch test out of curiosity. A low number there would indicate dog wear I believe. I love the plane and the engine!