One warning: I am using red and white. I had planned to buy 4 inch tapes and cut down for the 2 inch and one inch tape locations. It does NOT work for any colored covering. The edge is white. I also used waste material to try to make tapes. It works fine if you glue a wide sheet and then cut the tapes from that. Gluing a 2 inch wide tape does not work well. I used it on the belly of the plane (so don't look under my plane if you see me). The factory tape that is pre-glued works better anyway and is much quicker to apply.

White works fine from home made tapes but as I said the pre glued tapes are better. Spend the few extra bucks.

I would also say to only order one bottle of glue at a time. I got caught with an early winter so my glue has now expired.