During initial parts inventory (Old skystar days) one spar tube was received with a nasty gash in it which made the tube not too useful for airplane parts......being a frugal person....I did not throw the old spar tube away but used it as a mast for my yard light.

OK... so last tuesday we had the mother of all midwest summer storms come through with winds clocked at 62 which knocked an 8" tree part loose and whacked the daylights out of my yard light......the fixture was junk; however, when I investigated the kittywampus mast, made of the recycled kitfox spar tube, I found it did not bend at all but displaced the soil instead to account for the 30 degree out of plumb situation - The tube was buried 30 inches in the ground so it was not that shallow either.

I figure if one kitfox wing spar tube can survive that kind of treatment, 4 of them attached to an airplane can probably even survive my flying

I am going to say the wing has to be pretty darn strong...