Hi Larry,

Glad this worked out for you. A good reference for others in the future.

A couple observations about the good procedures you have used in your wiring.

1) Marking....this is a big deal...each of us needs to remember that one so when we need to dig into a circuit down the road....we can know what is what. One of my constant companions in the hangar is a sharpie.....good for marking what goes where, dating replacement parts and recording frequently used things like torque, spark plug gap,etc right on the engine where it is easily found.

2) Securements....I see that you have tied down & bundles wires so they don't flop around - good for everyone to remember. One of the EAA Tech Counselors in our chapter put it this way....."Design your wired securements like a good bra....the idea is to lift, separate and immobilize"

Dave S