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Thread: How many have a BRS ?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    San Jose

    Default How many have a BRS ?

    Are they reliable?I have heard about a few malfunctions , like when the Cessna 162 was being tested went into an irrecoverable spin and the test pilot pulled the BRS didnt work and had to jump off the plane with a regular parachute.

    Im thinking of buying a BRS, is a last chance card in case everything goes wrong, many people specially in GA planes are against them.

    But I read the 4 times were used in the Cirrus it worked.

    My instructor for example who flies both GA and ultralights is totally in favor

    Wanted to hear the opinions here.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    Lot's of pilots have back up things like radios,GPS's and fuel pumps. My opinion is if it makes you feel better, do it. For me personally, I don't do aerobatics and I have confidence that my plane is solid, I'd rather take my chance of making a controlled landing into the place of my choice. I know some will say we don't always have those choices. Any thing can happen but you can't possibly be prepared for every possible situation. I believe in taking reasonable precaution but if I wanted to play it completely safe I'd stay on the ground. With my luck I'll probably end up run over by a dump truck. Also I have to consider the cost and weigh the possible benifits. So my answer is "NO" I don't have a BRS. I should have just said that to start with, Right?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    I know of two guys that had the BRS system installed.
    Good friend took off on first flight stalled at end of runway. Wing droped went into a spin. Did not employ his BRS.
    It did not help him.

    One other guy went flying in his ultra light. Had trouble with a wing, used his BRS and landed safely.

    If you got it; use it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member SkyPirate's Avatar
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    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    you have got to have at least 800 foot altitude on the lighter capacity (1200 lbs or less)BRS's for it to deploy,..and if you deploy it , chance of going into the trees is the same,..the only real advantage of a BRS is if you have structural failure,..and deploy it immediately..if you can fight the G's and pull the D ring..or "T handle " in the case of the BRS.

    I have installed them on lighter aircraft for weight issues,..I figured if I've got to ad 16 lbs to meet W&B ..might as well add a BRS..
    Now if you install it have to maintain it,..different BRS systems have different maintenance schedules,..rocket deployed..canister or soft packs..etc.
    The web site for BRS chutes the last I looked at it..shows a deployment ..but on the ground .. not in actual flight conditions ..but they do have some stories posted of individuals using them in flight.


    My old kitfox 2 had one in it .. the one in my profile photo.

    I'd like to add,..on a GA airplane ..installation of a BRS is different,..they not only have to install it ..but put it in a place where it is not going to change the flight characteristics..which is ussually with in the ..they have got to either install a hatch for deployment ..or perferate the skin for the rocket to successfully exit the fuselage,(unless your flying a piper p-18 or something with fabric covered fuselage)without damaging the Chute..the area's to mount the sling/harness is another issue,..your strongest points on the GA aircraft are the wing mount points, route the sling/harness so it will successfully deploy bit not have a part of the aircraft interfer it's deployment..
    BRS has it's hands full to retro fit there system to GA so with an experimental,..if in fact the decision to install a BRS is pre construction of the Experimental aircraft. but no limited to can be added post.
    Last edited by SkyPirate; 05-26-2009 at 10:47 AM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    Just bought a Kitfox IV. I'd like to install one. If you have one installed can you pls post detail pictures of how and where you installed it for reference sake.



    Btw... airbags in car are a complete waste. They don't work either. :-)

  6. #6
    Senior Member DanB's Avatar
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    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    Jason, If you call the BRS folks and talk to them they will bring you up to speed on what needs to be done. I believe they even have schematics on where and how to install on a KF-IV. They sent me some at one time but I lost them with a computer crash.
    Dan B
    Mesa, AZ

  7. #7
    Senior Member Slyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    Gee, for those guys that go under 800ft all the time, that BRS is useless. .

    The other day I was coming in to land and I got a good vibration under my feet. I thought, oh my. It lasted about 60 seconds, but you get the picture, I was over the city and a bunch of things crossed my mind. I decided to lower the rpms and than raised them back up. Engine seemed just fine. In fact, I have been getting some vibration for some time but this was concerning. Than it quit, nice and smooth. better than it has been. I put in a new motor in january. So what's going on. I landed and looked under the plane. Guess what, my radiator bottom plate broke off at the passenger side and the plate was hanging down, that's hanging down about 2ft. Walla, I found my vibration. don't you think.

    Would have been pretty stupid to deploy a BRS on that one. That's how scared I was with the vibration, by the way.

  8. #8

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    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    Steve... not sure what your point is. Like airbags in a car... there is a time to use them and a time not to but that shouldn't preclude you from using all available resources when necessary.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion though.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Slyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    I was busy with other things at the same time I wrote it, so bear with me.

    I remember back to the Cirrus airplanes that the pilots pulled the rip cord when they could have done other things. Like not flying in known icing, or just pulling because they were scared.

    The first one was do to the fact that many of the kitfox's like to fly low, so that may not be feasable at all.

    On my account, sometimes we loose reality when something happens and pulling the cord becomes a reality when we can do with out it.

    Personally I feel flying the plane to the ground gives many options, more than pulling the cord, mainly because you don't know where you will end up, on top of a tree 150ft up, I think you get the picture.

    If you do get a BRS, please go over in you mind the times that you will use it, and be very smart about it.
    model IV 1200-flying
    IVO medium in-flight
    constant speed prop

  10. #10
    Senior Member SkyPirate's Avatar
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    Default Re: How many have a BRS ?

    first you have to determine what size BRS you want or need for your plane ..when you order it let them know which plane your installing it in and get the proper harness that fits your craft, kitfox 2 has a 750 BRS mounted right behind the baggage/storage area ,..depending on which way you mount the BRS,'ll have to put a hole in the fabric (if the plane is already covered) on the side you point the rocket to,.. not quite in line with the rockets deployment path , but off set towards the front of the craft ..this is where you will route the harness to the connect point of the cannister which holds the chute..after this is done you will need to have some fabric to cover the harness along side the fuselage as well as the hole you put in the side of the aircraft,..for the deployment actuator,..mine was installed above my head,..think of what G forces you could possibly be subjected to incase of structural failure ..the further you have to reach for the deployment actuator ..the more the G forces on your arm/hand when you try to deploy the chute ..the closer to you it is the better ..and pulling down is easier from the seating position then pulling sideways or up..,

    Hope this gives you an idea on what's involved

    as slyfox said ..think about when you would use it ..personally myself ,..the only time I would use it is in the event of structural failure at or above 800 AGL,..800 AGL is the altitude needed for the chute to be effectively deployed,..anything less then that might slow your descent
    a little ..or work as a tail and keep the plane in the upright position ..
    in the event of engine out ..I'd dead stick it to the ground ,..deployment of the chute wouldn't even be thought.

    Last edited by SkyPirate; 08-10-2009 at 04:45 PM.

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