Three times over the past 30 days my radio has quit receiving. When it is cool it works fine, but when it warms up it has quit receiving. I can transmit just fine. When it quits, there is no warning, it just stops receiving and usually won't work again until in the cool of the morning on the next day. The radio is an older Terra TX 760D. I have checked all wires, in-line fuse and antenna connections at the radio and antenna. I plan to pull the radio out of the tray and check the connectors for dirt and/or gunk. Any ideas?

Yesterday I took a one hour flight to another airport and back. It worked great when I left and when I arrived at the neighboring airport. When I departed the other airport it worked fine, then I realized I could no longer hear other aircraft making location calls. As I neared my home airport I tried to get the ATIS which confirmed I could not receive. I also tried to monitor my home airport tower, no luck. Hoping I could transmit I called my home airport tower, explained I had lost com and told of my intention to set up for a straight in for runway 16, squawk 7600 and I would call from 5 miles and 2 miles out, and requested a light gun upon arrival. I made my calls and hit ident on my transponder before each call, set up for my straight in and called tower to report traffic I was seeing. I got their green light on my 1 mile final. Upon touchdown I received a red/green light which I reported. I told them which taxiway I would take and that I would cross another runway with caution. I got a green light, which I reported. After clearing all runways and the hold short line I called ground and reported which taxiway I was going to take and which ramp I would be going to. Another green light. After shutdown I called the tower on my cell phone to thank them for their help. When a controller answered the phone I identified myself with name and tail number and thanked him for their help. He answered, "Hello, hello... is anyone there... I can't hear you". Then laughted. He thanks me for the radio calls and for providing my intentions and we had a good laugh. It's great to have good controllers who understand their roll is to help pilots. A great team. But, I really don't want to do that again!