Quote Originally Posted by n85ae View Post
Out at the airport yesterday, and needed to clean the plane. But no supplies
at hand. In the file cabinet by the bench, I had two unopened packages
called "The Glosser Microfiber Cleaning Wipes with Wax", which I was
given at some point. I figured what the heck, I'll give them a try.

They work great! Bug splats, dust, belly grime, everything came right off
and the plane looks like new. I was so happy with them I stopped by the local
pepboys and bought a few more packs of them for postflight wipe downs.


while working at a motorcycle show I discovered a product called Bugslide. It works awesome and you can use it on the entire plane. It comes with a microfiber polishing rag and there an additional microfiber scrubbing rag available that makes scrubbing the stubborn bugs off a breeze.