Sounds like my header tank (and many others) I fight battles with fuel smell
constantly, I have pretty much concluded that the header is simply porous
enough that fuel migrates right through it. I don't get stains (I run 100LL)
I don't get drips, but I always have odor. Year after year I go through
it at annual and occasionally find a weepy fitting (you guessed it) at the
header which I fix (again). I think the only real solution is to scrap the
plastic header and go to the aluminum one.

Jeff Hays
Series 5, IO-240B

Quote Originally Posted by SkySteve View Post
I have one fuel tank line that seeps a little fuel at the point where the fuel tank line (copper/brass?) attaches to the plastic header tank fuel line. I've tried multiple clamping techniques but in time the seep always wins. Question: Should I try (1) swaging the fuel tank line to expand it; (2) add a ferrul to the fuel tank line with clamps on both sides; or (3) some other technique that somebody smart about these things already knows will work?